Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Who is on the Move

Emma Richardson and Lois are still traipsing around Europe - hope to hear some updates from them soon.
Unfortunately Laura S and Jenna Selby could not skate the park at Glasto because it rained the whole weekend and Laura had never seen so much mud in her life, which was a real pity.
But Becky Woods did get some skating this weekend at the new Burton Upon Trent skatepark which looks sick. They are also having a proper opening jam on Sat 22nd July (flyer to be up soon) which Becky and Kerry will be attending and possibly Laura.S. You can also read more about this park at

Elenia and the rest of the girls on grip crew seemed to have a good time on there tour around Italy - tell us more girls!!

Rolo and Maria F are heading down to Newquay in August to the Rip curl Boardmasters

European Skater Sophie Pope went on the Poseidon tour to South America earlier this year with American skaters Vanessa Torres, Violet Kimble and Nugget. You can see a write up about this tour and video footage at

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